HDTV Tuesdays
Have you heard about HDTV Tuesdays? You've heard me talk about Pay Per Post, right? Well, if you just crawled out from under your rock and have no clue what I'm talking about, Pay Per Post is the blog network that pays you for blogging about things you would blog about anyway.
Anyway, I did say HDTV Tuesday, didn't I? On to the good stuff!!! Pay Per Post is giving away really cool prizes. For example, the first Tuesday in May, they gave away Apple TVs. Last Tuesday, the big prize was a Playstation 3. This week, you could grab up a Yamaha Surround Sound System, a Slingbox, a Nintendo Wii (and you know how hard those are to find!), or a Logitech Universal Remote. We have that remote and love it! If you'll remember, I posted that Craig even programmed it to run the Roomba!! LOL
Anyway, go give some love to the sponsor Bid4Prizes.com of these fantastic prizes. It's a fun site to win some fun prizes! The lowest unique bid wins! What an interesting concept. Just think what you could bid for and win! Right now, they even have a quad up there! Right up my alley! *Grin* Of course, there's other cool prizes like cash! Who doesn't like cash?
Speaking of cash, go on over to Pay Per Post and sign up. You get cash for blogging!! Then you can spend cash on whatever you want!