Have you ever been looking for an e-card and not able to find just what you’re looking for? I bet you didn’t check egreetings.com! They have a great selection of your usual holidays such as birthday and anniversary, but they have other holidays too. I bet you didn’t know that today is Pizza Pie Day!!
Don’t forget Valentine’s Day next Wednesday! Go check out Cupid pickup lines eCard for funny Valentine’s cards or birthday cards like these.
If you go visit www.egreetings.com, you can get a free 30-day trial membership. You can send unlimited eCards during that time and after that, get a yearly subscription for only $13.99!! There are so many benefits for this! You can schedule your cards to be delivered on a certain day so you don’t forget, you can save money by not using stamps to send cards and you save time by scheduling that special someone’s birthday card now instead of waiting until their birthday in a month! So what are you waiting for? Go send your special someone a special valentine!!