Thursday, February 05, 2015

Time flies when you're having fun!

Good grief! 7 years? It has been that long since I've logged in here? Apparently nobody really missed it, especially me. hahaha Let's see. What's new with me? I have a new job (well, I've been there 6 months now) after being fired and unemployed for 10 months. My previous job....yeah. Let's just say, I have morals and others didn't. Ha! They told me, oh it will be SOOOOOOO easy for you to find a job. Yeah......10 months later. I do love my new job. It's so nice to be appreciated. We have moved. We weren't looking to move. An opportunity for a bigger house, bigger yard, storage for our trailer just fell into our lap. Couldn't pass it up. :) Our oldest daughter is a sophomore in COLLEGE!!! Did you read that right? Yeah, college!! Crying out loud.......wasn't she just born a couple years ago? Our youngest is in 7th grade and growing up so fast. I thought, too, that she was born just a couple years ago!

Saturday, January 26, 2008

March for Babies

In April, I'm going to be doing a 6.2 mile March for Babies walk for the March of Dimes. I'd love your support!! You can pay via credit card or paypal or you could send me a check. Thanks!!

March for Babies

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Academy Awards

I usually watch the news in the morning. My favorite station cut to the live announcement of the nominations for the Academy Awards. As I'm sitting here, I saw a nomination for Ratatouille. It's about the only movie that I've not only seen, but ever even heard of. Where are they getting these movies???

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Still Looking.......

So, um, yeah. Still haven't found my motivation. Soon though, soon! I had good intentions of coming home from work yesterday and working out and other things. I ended up working a full day instead of getting off at 3 like I should, so by the time I got the princesses and got home, working out was the furthest from my mind.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Have You Seen It?

Has anyone seen my motivation today? I need to get some exercise in and I have some crafting I need to finish up. I really need to do it, but butt's still in this chair!! Someone help me find my motivation!!

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Will the Fence Ever be Fixed?

So, our neighbor's fence fell down, ohhhhhhh, probably last spring. We were told it would be taken care of. Ok, no problem. We propped it back up and wasn't really doing too much to our side. A couple months ago, we had a big wind storm and it fell all the way over onto my raised garden. Craig finally called the neighbor who owns the house and he said that the renters were supposed to have fixed it. Well, they didn't....really. So anyway, the owner, renter and Craig are all out there "fixing" it. It's too funny. Everytime I look out the window, they're all just standing there. LOL!